Week 16: 4/29/18 – 5/6/18

This past week I started to pick up steam, exercise wise. I was hitting my new goal of 50 pushups and 50 sit-ups a day. I was also working out in the gym daily. On Wednesday I felt my muscles unusually sore and decided to rest for the day. I learned before to not stress your muscles any more than needed as it can lead to injury.

Everything was smooth sailing until Friday came. That is when my office decided to celebrate Cinco De Mayo and brought food in. I felt I was better than I am usually at during these get together but still felt I over ate during that day. It is the reason why I felt the amount of pounds I lost is less than the amount I felt I should have lost.

For the biggest Loser, my team moved up in the standings but is still in the bottom half of the standings. I feel good moving forward that we can continue to make strides to be better. Once again I can really only worry about myself in this contest and make sure I am pulling my own weight. For the future weeks ahead I believe I can make a real significant progress and see a significant drop.

4/29/18: 284.6 lbs; BMI: 45.2

5/6/18: 282.9 lbs; BMI: 44.9

LOST: 1.7 lbs; BMI: 0.3